Relational Clay Field Therapy
and Haptic-Sensorimotor Gestaltbildung
Life challenges us at times and it can seem like it sometimes gets in the way unexpectedly! - How do we balance ourselves before we become seriously ill? How can our child find inner balance and live its strength? How can learning succeed when everything is confused on the inside or when there are many distractions on the outside? How does my life path show itself to me? What is the meaning of my life? How can we talk to each other again when anger and muteness prevail? How can I cope better with difficult times and find self confidence again? - Finding your own center by using haptics at the Clay Field, calm down and realign yourself. - So that development can happen.
The accompaniment of children includes supplementary meetings with parents. When accompanying adults, a concluding, integrating conversation is part of each session.
The accompaniment takes place as a single session of 45-60 minutes. Costs: 60 EUR (children, teenagers up to 18 years), 80 EUR (adults), parent talks: 60 EUR
For further information please contact us now.