About us


Katharina Kramer

Systemic Counseling and Therapy
Art and Clay Field Therapy (certified in Arbeit am Tonfeld® by Heinz Deuser)
Non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, MA.Sc.

Ina Schott

Pedagogical and Therapeutic Counseling
Clay Field Therapy (certified in Arbeit am Tonfeld® by Heinz Deuser)
Non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy, MA. Ed.

Key Areas of Work

Pedagogical and therapeutic accompaniment of preschool children, children and adolescents with behavioral problems, children on the autism spectrum, young adults in orientation crises, adults in crises and biographical change processes. Process-oriented accompaniment of parents and families.

Workshops and masterclasses in Arbeit am Tonfeld® / Work at the Clay Field® since 2017.